Upcoming 774th Urs of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar
Urs Shareif:
Starting from February 17th 2025 Monday (18th Shaban)
Charangan Night: Charangan Night at February 17th 2025 Monday (18th Shaban)
The Sketch & Stature
With birth name of Makhdoom Osman Marwandi Sewastani [RA] he is popularly known
as Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar [RA]. As is indexed in authentic books, his year
of birth is 538 A.H [1143 A.D] while he died in the year 650 A.H. [1252A.D.].
The great diviner belonged to Syed family. He learned the Holy Qur'an with great
dedication and devotion and acquired knowledge of the related religious
disciplines and, eventually became a profound scholar of the Muslim world.
All exoteric and esoteric knowledge was gathered in his person. He had a very
long life during which Ghznavi rule ended and Ghuris came to power in the
subcontinent—the South Asia.
The Disciple
He became a disciple of Hazrat Bahauddin Zakaria Multani [RA] who made him his
lieutenant and also granted him permission to make disciples.
He acquired exoteric knowledge from Haba Ibrahim Karhalai [RA] also and received
numerous blessings by sessions in the company of the distinctive and venerated
mystic soul, Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakr [RA] of Pak Patan Sharif, who
belonged to Chistiya dynasty.
Spiritual Blessings
Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar [RA] also met Hazrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar [RA] and
received saintly blessing from him as well. Because of his association with a
number of spiritualists, the Hazrat [RA] attained a high spiritual status.
He came to Sindh on the instructions of Hazrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar [RA] and
made Sehwan Sharif as his abode.
A large number of people got benefited by their virtuous and devout connections
with him. Many willful feminine repented and asked for Allah's forgiveness for
their past deeds by embracing Islam in the light of the teachings of Hazrat Lal
Shahbaz Qalandar [RA]—alike many men who also came on the righteous path.
The Mausoleum of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar [RA] Sehwan Shraif in the Sindh
province of Pakistan is visited by people from all segments of the society which
also include the elite as well as the masses, every-day and most exclusively on
the eve of the Hazrat's annual Urs.